How It Works

There are several ways the See Your Story framework can be used:

  • One-to-one sessions (online & in-person)

  • Group sessions (online & in-person)

  • Workshops, courses, & talks  (online & in-person)

The framework can be for anyone: if you’re feeling stuck, or lost (in your creativity, work, relationships); in a moment of transition, or integration (the first year of parenthood, after a separation, beginnings & endings).

Feel free to be in touch and tell me what you need.

A Year-Long Story Journey

A facilitated journey, which will take place over one calendar year. 13 monthly one-to-one sessions (2.5 hours/session), which will guide and support you seeing what your story is

Your story will begin on the date of our first session, and end on the date of our penultimate session; the last session will be used to integrate, and reflect upon the story you’ve told with your life over the year. Using the See Your Story framework, I’ll support and guide you seeing your story, as you’ve living it.

In our first session, we’ll think about who you are at the beginning of your story; what’s working, what’s not, and what you want to see change. Over the course of the year, we’ll think about your backstory; how you’ve got to where you’ve got to, and any old, or limiting, narratives you want to re-write. As your plot unfolds, in real-time, you’ll begin to see the story you’ve been telling with your life, and the story life wants you to live. 

Our dynamic will be one of storyteller and story guide. This means I’ll support you telling your story; you will not be told how to tell it. Every story is different, which means every journey will be different, too.

The year-long journey will be a deeply creative and playful process. Our work together will challenge you to re-imagine who you are, and what life is. 

The whole journey will be £1,950. There would be an initial consultation (free of charge) to see if this journey feels right for both of us.

If you’re not able to afford this fee, please get in touch, and we can discuss how we might find a way to work together.